I've taken almost ten years worth of classes in Latin. I've read Oxford's Latin and Wheelock's Latin, memorized flash cards and read countless grammar aids. I even have a B.A. in Latin.
The problem is, I don't actually know Latin at all - and no one knows otherwise.
But now that I'm in grad school, I've only got one last chance to actually learn Latin. I just can't fake it anymore. And besides that - I'm tired of being a fraud. So this is where I'm going to document my last attempt to learn the language. I'm going to gather together all of my resources in one place and start from the beginning. And maybe, if I can actually do it this time, I'll leave a path that other people can follow to the same end.
So this place is for dropouts like me - for frauds who've almost given up on learning Latin, but want one final go.
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