In my desperation to learn Latin, I'm dropping all the gimmicks and hitting the straight-forward methods.  Hans Ørberg's Lingua Latina does that.  The entire book is in Latin, starting with really simple sentences and transitioning all the way to unedited Cicero.  So, the idea is that you learn the grammar and the vocabulary naturally from the context.

There will be a post for each chapter of Lingua Latina.  I really recommend working through the book this way, because I'll include grammar references and exercises and things that will help make everything easier.  You'll get the book chapter-by-chapter this way, with the included download links.  For a list of what I have up so far, see the Archive page.

Being able to print out the chapter you're working on is extremely useful; you can write all over it without destroying your only copy, and you can focus on just the one chapter that you're working on at the time.  However, printing out every page of the book could get expensive, and sometimes it's nice to own a sturdy, bound copy of the whole book - particularly when you need to flip through the index or the appendix.  And besides - Ørberg has a nice thing going, and it's good to show some support.

That's why I'm including all the parts of Lingua Latina on this page, so you can get the books and the supplements and PDF and also know where to get a hard copy / trophy for your bookshelf.

  • Buy Lingua Latina from Focus, the publisher:

You'll notice that Focus really went all-out with this license.  They've got an absurd selection of arguably useless supplements, and pretty much no explanation of what the original work is.  Try to ignore all the fluff; this is all you'll need:

Lingua Latina Pars I: Familia Romana - Hardcover | Paperback
Lingua Latina Pars II: Roma Aeterna - Hardcover | Paperback

  • Buy Lingua Latina from Amazon:

Cheaper, free shipping... generally better, unless you live in Australia or something :(

Lingua Latina Pars I: Familia Romana - Hardcover | Paperback
Lingua Latina Pars II: Roma Aeterna - Hardcover | Paperback

  • Download Lingua Latina in PDF:

Because I love you.  I've included many of the supplements; like I said, everything relevant to a particular chapter will be included in its post, but here are the full copies for reference.

Lingua Latina Pars I: Familia Romana


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